28 August 2009

Where did the time go?

You would think being at home all summer long I would have had time to blog. Hmmm. Well, you are wrong.
I worked in my garden all summer long. We went to Colorado. We spent almost every morning at the pool. I started a rock garden and yes, I am growing rocks. They seem to pollinate all by themselves.
Mika took piano lessons and we moved furniture around. Ali continues to be a picky eater and is reaching her terrible 2s.
Markus continues to beat all his videogames within 1 week and I am still unpacking. Do I have junk? Yes and when I find it, it goes in the trash or a give away bag.
And another school year begins...


Castaneda 5 said...

We need pics, Julie!! I think you should appoint Mika your personal blog assistant so she can post pics and all the happenings! Can't wait to go camping with y'all this weekend!

Abuelita Castaneda said...

Yes, Where did the time go? I ask myself that question all the time!
Glad you're having fun! Try growing rice, Ali loves "Rice Pudding"