30 September 2008

White Navy Bean

This little bean went to the market, this little bean stayed home, this little bean ate a weanie, and this little bean went clap clap all the way home.  

She has been bonding with Granny Barnica, eating hot dog weanies, and clapping to the beat of "Papas y Papas para Papa".

She is a quick bean and she's also the boss.  If this bean isn't happy no one is. 

Anasazi beans

Mika has started 6th grade; she enjoys school.  She has followed in the steps of her mother bean playing the clarinet as well as her Cannellini bean, Sonia.

Markus is worried about math because he is a little weak in that subject.  He wants to become a scientist and is stressed about not making it to NASA.  He is looking forward to flag football this fall.